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9 Aug 2023 2:33 pm
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Liberals Only Moderator
Liberals Only Moderator
269 posts
The Republican Party has made it plain that 2024 is the election year in which they plan to replace Democracy with Fascism.  They plan to make our elections a mockery by various forms of cheating and election-rigging.  Democrats and patriotic Conservatives are in for the fight of their lives to preserve Democracy in the USA.

We have arrived at a demographic point where fair and Democratic elections cause the Far Right loses more elections than not,  The old generation of Far Right Wing voters is rapidly being replaced by Millennials and Gen Z, who lean further to the Left.

Since circa 1980, US politics have slightly favored the Right, culminating in the 2016 election of Donald Trump and the installation of a Far Right Supreme Court.  But US demographics has slowly been working against Far Right majorities.

Being aware of this, Republicans have used gerrymandering, voter-suppression and other means to falsify the will of the electorate.  If they can't install, at least a Republican president in 2024, the Republicans will either have to move their politics Left, or go the way of the Whigs.
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