I never said that we gave Saddam the 'green light' to gas the Kurds, what I said was that we 'turned a blind eye' while he did it.LIAR!Bleats the smear artist.I responded to your falsehoods below.The US helped Iraq develop its chemical, biological and nuclear weapons programs in the 80's.AndRonald Reagan’s administration turned a blind eye to Saddam's repeated use of chemical weapons against...the Kurds in Iraq.No,Reagan did not help. Controls were far more lax at the time, and Hussein bought it all clandestinely.The United States exported support for Iraq during the Iran–Iraq war over $500 million worth of dual use exports to Iraq that were approved by the Commerce department. Among them were advanced computers, some of which were used in Iraq's nuclear program.[32] The non-profit American Type Culture Collection and the Centers for Disease Control sold or sent biological samples of anthrax, West Nile virus and botulism to Iraq up until 1989, which Iraq claimed it needed for medical research. A number of these materials were used for Iraq's biological weapons research program, while others were used for vaccine development.[33] For example, the Iraqi military settled on the American Type Culture Collection strain 14578 as the exclusive anthrax strain for use as a biological weapon, according to Charles Duelfer.[34]http://en.wikipedia....***_destructionYou can also pick up your own mail, and your neighbor's mail. LOLOh gosh, private companies would never jump on that business, if federal law protecting the bloated US Post Office were repealed, would they?Naaah.Long time no see A of J.How are you?You're closer philisophically to a total wackjob than you are to mainstream Americans.