This is how the right wing/conservative media operates.They blow up some non-story, then they bully what they call the 'liberal media' into covering it, by their constant whining and complaining that the 'liberal media' refuses to cover it. Oh yeah, non-stories like the fact that Clinton was going to be impeached after the 1996 election for his many non-Lewinsky felonies and impeachable acts, which the liberal MSM refused to report to the American people. Journalists finally showed up to a Ross Perot speech expecting him to attack Bush. Instead, he shoved Clinton's coming impeachment in their faces. Cokie Roberts looked like she'd swalled a lemon when she had to bring that up for discussion on the Sunday panel show that week. The liberal MSM was literally censoring the news hoping to get Clinton back into office. Hey, tell everyone again how there's no liberal bias. That's such a hilarious lie.