John Fund is a tool who routinely fabricates things to smear people.Lies the troll. Could an honest, sane person believe the following?Oh gosh, maybe in the boxes and boxes and boxes of evidence and sworn testimony that Schippers, House Managers and their employees collected?The ones Clinton demanded by sealed for 50 years?Does that give you a hint?Yes. It gives me a big hint that you're bad word Looney Tunes.You think you can see things that are in sealed boxes.So the evidence doesn't exist, because I personally cannot see in the boxes. Hey, that's believable. While the wingnuts are obsessed with the cancellation of White House Tours, here are some real effects of the sequester.Air Force Base Jobs Lost... Medical Response Times Lengthened... Convention Industry Suffers Nationwide... Tourism Jobs Take A Hit... University Research Jobs Lost... Special Education Programs Cut... Mine Safety Agency Gutted... Workers At Most-Contaminated U.S. Nuclear Site Lose Jobs... Military Tuition Assistance Suspended... Head Start Slashed... Border Agents Furloughed.....but all we care about is those White House tours.Gosh, isn't it awful that goverment has 0.5% less money? Obviously what the country needs is a huge tax hike, so Americans have less to spend on themselves and their families.Stupid moonbat.