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5 Nov 2014 9:27 am
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Misty » 05 Nov 2014 8:56 am » wrote:I'm going to be busy with family stuff for the next four or five days, and probably won't be around here much to enjoy all the gloating, but I just wanted to comment on the elections.
You won't get any gloating from me, though you might see me laughing and commenting at the sour grapes out of leftists. I am pleased the Repubs took the Senate, just for the sake of running Harry Reid out of the picture, if nothing else. But I'll wait to see if this means something besides what I've been seeing far too much of in the past 5 years from Repubs, i.e., snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. The American people made a statement last night and do indeed expect something out of that statement. I'm also not celebrating Mitch McConnell's continuation. Now the party has to act on a presidential candidate that isn't another McCain or Romney. I'll be suspicious of them until I see that happen, so I'm not holding my breath.
There were three things I wished for most in this election, and I'm three for three.

1. My governor Tom Corbett is toast.
What *** do you have for Tom Corbett? Just curious.
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