Misty » 18 Jan 2018 7:14 pm » wrote:
These two assholes (Huey and Clem, who work as a tag team) **** all over my comedy thread (and my Flying Monkeys thread) and if I send their garbage to the Peanut Gallery they start whining like a couple of toddlers who had their binkies snatched away from them, that I am 'censoring' them and that I am 'abusing my powers.'
I'm so **** sick of them.
They suck the funny right out of this thread.
You have brought it all on yourself, dearie. You denigrate and disparage with all these ridiculous cartoons and accusations, then you cry like a spoiled brat when you get pushback. I saw it in the other forum and now on this one. The **** you slam at others is a source of self-satisfaction for you and you can't tolerate it when **** gets slammed back at you. I guess it destroys a pretty big chunk of that self-satisfying crap you put out there, so it's