Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
79 posts
... continued from my previous post...
The broken, failed two party duopoly system in the USA (part 2)
In my previous post, I talked about "Dictator Donald" Trump, now I'm going to talk about "Genocide Joe" Biden.
MUTINY: State Dept SLAMS "Genocide Joe" Biden's Israel Policy In REVOLT:
"Genocide Joe" Biden ban Muslims from his rallies because he can't take their legit and valid criticism about Palestinian genocide and his sending American weapons and American taxpayer dollar to the Zionist government of Isral who use it to commit infanticide, genocide, ethnic cleansing and mass displacement against Palestinian little children, their families and their neighbors and the Palestinian people in general in Gaza and Palestine, as well as bombing ambulances, hospitals, UN centers, Doctors Without Borders, and attacking children's schools along with another whiole bunch of war crimes and crimes against humanity:
"Genocide Joe" Biden BEGS Obama and Bill Clinton to save him (Free college, public health care, and cease-fire would be a start, he's cooked bro, his absolute unwillingness to change course is plummeting his support, and whoever his advisors are should be fired and blacklisted from consulting ever again... Israel committing its own holocaust, against the Palestinians in this case and with the help of corrupt members of the US government, is utterly sickening, the Nazis just tried to deport the Jews at first too, and when no one would take them, well, Israel is well on its way to coming up with their own "solution", we need to stop this horrific genocide/holocaust against the Palestinian people, it has git to stop, ICJ is a clear message not only for Israel, but for the world to not be complicit, one that means Israel's partners will have to rethink how they support them in the future and that's where the real power of this ruling lies, Its a test for Israel to see if they can behave and a challenge to those who want to defy the international law...):
"Cardi B GOES OFF On Biden War Funding (the United States pays for 20% of Israel's military budget while Israel has universal health care, subsidized college tuition and still ran a budget surplus last year, let that sink in, the US doesn't have any of that, you as well as your kids and grandkids don't have universal health care, subzidized college tuition and these other basic good things that other nations have, and the US government is using Americans' taxpayer dollar to fund their genocide against the Palestinian people including children, babies, the disabled and the elderly, to fund their own holocaust and final solution against another group of people, and the US government is complicit in this, that is sickening, Gaza is a death camp and Israel has become the world's most active state sponsor of terrorism):
They're telling it like it is concerning "Dictator Donald" Trump and "Genocide Joe" Biden and the broken, failed two party duopoly system in the USA:
"Lesser Evilism and Gaza Genocide: Vote Blue No Matter Who? w/ Briahna Joy Gray
Democratic leadership said in 2020 that people needed to vote for Joe Biden because another Trump term would bring about the worst case scenario. But Joe Biden is facilitating a genocide in Gaza. What happens when the so-called “lesser evil” is responsible for the worst case scenario?":
... continued in my next post...