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4 Feb 2024 6:26 am
Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
79 posts
... continued from my previous post...

The broken, failed two party duopoly system in the USA (part 3, finale part)

The failed, broken two party duopoly system in the United-States of America is killing millions all over the glove and causing untold amount of suffering, Americans need to get rid of their failed, broken two party duopoly system and replace it with something better, like a new system with more parties, candidates and options to choose from, lots of country got rid of their duopoly because they saw how harmful and destructive duopolies are, it's time for the US to do the same thing, otherwise they will have to face condemnation and contempt from the rest of the world for not changing their horrible system that kills millions all over the globe and cause untold amount of suffering.

Biden is no better than Trump and he's a hypocrite. He claims to be fighting for abortion rights and to care about the lives and health and future of women and girls, but he's "Genocide Joe" Biden who keep sending weapons and Americans' taxpayer dollars to help Israel commit infanticide, genocide, ethnic cleansing and mass displacement against the Palestinians. He could care less about women and girls and their male relatives in Palestine. He could care less that women and girls in Gaza and Palestine die from infections because they don't have clean and decent menstrual products and that some pregnant women are killed by Netanyahu's IDFs and other Palestinians have to cut those dead women's bellies open in an attempt to save the babies who in certain cases will be premature babies and their fate is uncertain (Conservatives care more about clusters of cells, zygotes, gametes, embryos, etc, then they do about fully formed and fully developed human beings post birth that they help kill in wars and Biden is a hypocrite when he claims to care about women and their rights but does nothing good for Palestinian women and girls). Don't vote for wannabe-dictator Trump but don't vote for Genocide Joe either.

You Americans need to get rid of your failed, broken two party duopoly system like other civilized nations did and replace it with a system that has more parties, more candidates, more options to choose from. In the meantime, I sugget millions of American do a general stroke and an election boycott and become conscientious non-voters to force change in your corrupt political system, because it really doesn't matter if you vote for wannabe dictator Trump or Genocide Joe, you'll have innocent blood on your hands either way regardless of which one you vote for (you're no longer voting for the "lesser" of two evils, if there ever was such a thing, you're voting for one of two evils full stop, there is no right choice in this scenario, you need to bring change into your corrupt political system and get rid of the rotten failed duopoly and replace it with something better, it's your only hope) and the rest of the world is condemning the USA for their complicity in the actions of both of those monsters.

There needs to be a decent standard in the US, stop allowing wannabe-dictators (like Trump), pro-infanticide and pro-genocide maniacs (like Biden), child-drone killing psychopaths (like Barack OBOMBA), etc, to run for office and dictate policies (including foreign policy) in your country. The current generation despise the United-States of America and some Americans are ashamed of their country and considering renouncing their American citizenship. The future generations will look upon the Americans of today who are complicit in those atrocities with contempt and disgusted and see you as an example of what we ought not to do.

Deep down, y'all know I'm telling it like it is...

One of many angry and disgusted LGBT and pro-choice Canadian Non-Partisan/Independent Christians.
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