The funniest part of your Arab Ball-Licking, is that you are trying to sell the notion that the Jews being slaughtered or chased off of Lands is somehow deserved, or equates to what the Palestinian refugees have done to wear out their welcome anywhere.. .... We already know why they were forced out of the Muslim / Arab countries........ Tell us where the Jews lived where they caused the kind of violence and turmoil as the Palestinians brought to Jordan or Lebanon..... Tell us where the Jews lived where they attacked and tried to overthrow their host governments that took them in... What you're really trying to say is look how much chaos, violence and unrest the Palestinians managed to create in only 3 host countries that took them in...Cannonpointer » 07 Mar 2024, 1:47 pm » wrote: ↑ The funniest part of your boot licking is that you have no cognitive dissonance in damning the palis for getting kicked out of THREE countries, but you see nothing suspicious in their antagonists getting kicked out of more than a hundred.
You will be delighted to learn that it appears you did call it - the israelis are just going to maintain gaza as an open air prison - with your tax dollars feeding, clothing, housing, and caring for the victims of their indiscriminate slaughter. I know how much neocons love the nanny state writing checks - and you zionist, America-Second israel toadies are about to write a BUNCH of 'em. The diaper dandy is building a **** SEAPORT in gaza for the delivery of their essentials - which we all know will include teevees and tennis shoes.
As one who is no great fan of israel, it pleases me that they lack either the balls or the opportunity to do it properly. If I were they, I would finish the damned job. Rip that bandaid off all at once and get it done.
I WOULD bemoan the cost to the USA of you welfare state goons running to israel's rescue - but I have accepted that we are at the end of empire, and the sooner the toilet flushes, the less mess for us and the rest of humanity. So I join you in saying, "Go, Joey, go."