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maineman » 02 Oct 2023, 3:56 pm » wrote: why not? 

He did the last time and Trump didn't have 91 criminal indictments hanging over his head then.

There were some level-headed Republicans and independents, way back in 2016, who thought, "Hey...maybe it is time to let some new, non-politician try to shake things up and move us forward after eight years of political trench warfare during the Obama years."

A lot of those voters realized the error of their thinking in 2020 and voted for Biden... and their vote was never really FOR Biden as it was AGAINST Trump.

January 6th and 91 indictments are not bringing them back.
Four years ago, the media sold America that Joe was a gentle, grandfatherly figure who would shepherd us back to normalcy. Instead, we got a war pig, partisan who censors his political opponents, demented with the inability to speak or walk...won't enforce the border...bungled the response in Hawaii...

...and then there's the bribery allegations.

Perhaps he CAN get 83 million votes but it's doubtful he's going to be on the ballot.
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