Cannonpointer » 08 Apr 2022, 9:49 pm » wrote: ↑
On the left, every **** body.
On the right, Huey and Neo - not sure about Vegas. MOST righties are in the hell no camp.
I'm opposed at so many levels - science, religion, gut instinct, even politics - that I will take any punishment they dish out. But I will not ever consent.
according to "science"? i've had covid like 3 times. lol. i got it the first time on purpose. working construction. bossman pulled up and said....hey! stand back. i have covid. you don't have to go to work with me....i smiled and said....oh **** that. i'm going.....we both worked all week with the so called coronahoax. lol. to me? it was like a mild hangover for a few days. lol. no biggie.