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13 Apr 2022 7:51 am
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AnnoyedLiberall » 13 Apr 2022, 7:23 am » wrote: I got the 2 Moderna shots.
No boosters.
I am confident in my decision.
But, I don't live in a world of make believe and conspiracy theories.
I will admit they are fun, but the vast majority of them are not true.
The first vaccine panic was for the small pox vaccine.
People were spreading lies that it would make women want to have sex with cows.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/ ... nd-jenner/
Don't see many half cow people running around.
The anti-vaxxers are well meaning, but misinformed.
https://www.newsweek.com/vaccination-an ... th-1342856
The technology used in the Covid vaccinations has been around more than 20 years.
Get the shots or don't.
Your body, your choice.
But, all you anti vaxxers better be consistent when it comes to abortions.

2 different things. abortion isn't about the woman's body. it's about killing a child. 2 totally different things. a vaxxed person logically shouldn't give a **** if someone is unvaxxed if he or she actually believe the vax works. and the government does have a record on **** the general public over with medicine. like when they told entire black commuities they were getting vaccines to help them and they injected them with syphilis so they could have a controlled study on the effects of the disease. and by the way? it the so called "conspiarcy theorists" that have been getting things right nowadays.
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