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11 Jul 2019 5:46 pm
11 Jul 2019 5:46 pm
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Misty » 11 Jul 2019 2:42 pm » wrote:
Trump Derangement Syndrome Is Real. Donald Trump Has It.

Trump Derangement Syndrome.

This is the go-to insult hurled by current supporters of this President; a catch-all bit of gaslighting designed to malign the emotional state and mental faculties of decent, rational human beings who push back against his legislative assaults on marginalized people, who are sickened by his boundless cruelty, who bear witness to his complete lack of accountability under the law, who accurately note the naked hypocrisy of his professed Christian supporters.

Accusing someone of TDS is now a MAGA Nation standby; a quick and convenient slur allowing them to sidestep factual information, mask their refusal to have meaningful debate, and to avoid culpability in defending a man whose very Twitter feed testifies that he is not at all well.

Peek in at any given hour (whether the middle of the night, early in the afternoon, or before the sun is up) and you’ll immediately find yourself immersed in the nonsensical, grammatically-challenged, all-caps ramblings of a man whose immaturity, impulsiveness, and paranoia would disqualify him from jobs at schools, bowling alleys, and summer camps—let alone helming a nation.

It’s all on display in unhinged, 280 character bursts…
So I've asked you two questions concerning this issue. One was "what is your solution?" Your answer was "vote him out of office". Fine. Once he's out of office the problem will still be there (unless we do what progs want to do, which is open borders). Are you for that?

The next question I put forth is concerning late term abortion and infanticide. Most dems, the ones who shriek about abuse of children at the southern border, stand and cheer for the murder of babies inside and outside of the womb. Are you for that too dem?
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