Misty » 11 Jul 2019 6:48 pm » wrote:Rock » 11 Jul 2019 5:46 pm » wrote:So I've asked you two questions concerning this issue. One was "what is your solution?" Your answer was "vote him out of office". Fine. Once he's out of office the problem will still be there (unless we do what progs want to do, which is open borders). Are you for that?
How about we allow people to apply for asylum in their own country, something Obama did which Trump put a stop to.
And how about we add more immigration judges to process these asylum seekers more quickly.
Trump not only has not done that, he has threatened to cut the number of judges.
He has also slashed aid to the Central American countries where these asylum seekers are coming from, which will only make things worse.
I guess you still don't get it.
Cruelty IS the policy.
Trump thinks that treating brown people this way helps him with his base.
Rock » 11 Jul 2019 5:46 pm » wrote:The next question I put forth is concerning late term abortion and infanticide. Most dems, the ones who shriek about abuse of children at the southern border, stand and cheer for the murder of babies inside and outside of the womb. Are you for that too dem?
I am not a Democrat, but yes I am pro choice.
Nobody STANDS AND CHEERS for abortions, and certainly no one STANDS AND CHEERS for the murder of children that have already been born.
OTOH, some people only seem to care about fetuses, while they don't give a **** about children being ripped from their mother's arms, or kept in cages in the most inhumane way, or drowning in the Rio Grande.