Xavier_Onassis » 30 Apr 2023, 9:01 am » wrote: ↑
Oropeza was able to kill a bunch of people because stupid legislators made assault weapons like the ones he used available.
And again... the more guns are in circulation, the more people are going to be shot.
Anyone who massacres a bunch of people with a gun is someone who should not have been permitted to own a gun or ammunition.
Their politics, race or national origin are not the problem.
What it the problem? That this country, unlike more sane countries, allows guns to be readily available to everyonte.
This person carried out this horrendous crime using three hand guns and a rifle. This person was obviously a troubled man to kill 11 of his family members. Only goes to show that a person doesn't need high powered weapons to kill many people. There's a troubled people problem in this country not a gun problem. Btw this happened just a few blocks from where my father lived. Although he didn't live there at the time of this crime.
Easter Sunday Massacre