Vegas Giants' Faggoty Sok
36 posts
Cannonpointer » 04 May 2014 4:29 am » wrote: Stop talking to yourself, retard. It's weird.
Queer, the nation went broke under bush, on the heels of 6 years of absolute republican hegemony. Try again, dick-mouth.
You have your head where the sun does not shine.
I was responding to an idiot that thinks a judge is part of the capitalist system and you come along and cherry pick statements out of my response to try to make me look foolish. The problem is you are the foolish one.
Your assertion that it was the Bush administration made the nation go broke is so foolish it make you look so foolish. Obama has spent $1 trillion in deficit most of his administration and is expected to achieve the $22 trillion in deficit level by the end of his reign as king Obama. Laws mean nothing to him. He ignores and changes the laws to his whim.
I will re post this so you can see what the Democrats are doing to kill businesses. Note it is the Democrats doing this.
In a way you are right. Democrats are making regulations like there is no tomorrow. Every regulation a bureaucrat in Washington, DC cooks up is compiled in the Code of Federal Regulations, which currently spans more than
one hundred seventy-five thousand pages. Even
the index is over a thousand pages. Currently they crank out regulation at the rate of
1/2 to 1 inch pf paper every month.
The Obama Administration is planning on another 2,300 rules; meddling in everything from health insurance to mandating video cameras in cars.
With all of this regulations small or mid size businesses are always in non compliance somewhere. It takes a fortune 500 level of companies that can afford to hire enough lawyers to keep up wit current and new regulations to keep compliant with this massive anchor around the neck of the businesses. Currently we spend 10% of the US economy on keeping these regulations.