Cannonpointer » 18 Oct 2014 10:18 pm » wrote:This should be a bit confronting to a FEW. I wish it would confront leftists, but that would be too much to ask. "My mother drunk or sober" should be the bumper sticker on the car of every liberal that still defends Obama (this does NOT include defending him against attacks from retarded hacks, badly launched for partisan reasons and defensible only on the planet repubelia - IOW, attacks from **** mouths like Glory Hole Clem and partisan cut-paste lowbrows like the goof.
10. tax cuts.
You ignore the many tax increases. The first one was an increase in the Cigarette tax which hist the poor people for the most part. Why do you ignore all of the tax increases that Obama and the Democrats pushed on the country. Raising the top income tax rate actually hurt the revenue from the rich. He knew this in an interview late in 2008. He said he still wanted the rate hike just to be fair. How is cutting the revenue from the rich helping the rest of us??? David and Christina Romer are two liberal economics professors at US Berkeley. They studied financial data from 1947 to 2005. They produced an analysis in 2007 and given to the Economic Review. They produced an update of it a few years later. Part of their findings is that when the top rate goes above 33% the revenue from the rich falls thus the peak of the Laffer Curve is 33%. They also found that for each 1% rise in tax rate above this peak the GDP will take a 3% hit. Keep in mind that Christina Romer was the first Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers in the Obama administration.
9. He was forced to follow the law. What you ignore is that he has continuously treated the Israeli prime minister badly. He down plays the problems with the attacks on it by Hamas and other jihad terrorists. He refuses to even call these people terrorists. He ignores the fact that the Hamas charter calls for the death of all Jews. When conflict comes he is always siding with the Jihadists. When Israel asked to buy more rockets for their Iron Dome defensive system he ignored them.
8. Increased the size of the armed forces????? That was just temporary foolish one. After a couple of years he kept on reducing the size of the military. That caused the less able National guard and the reserves of the take up the slack and take turns in the rotation. Our military is much weakened now. Why do you ignore this????
7. regularity of deployments has had to use the reserves and guard to do that. Your head is in the sand.
6. End the abuse of the supplemental budgets? Until the most recent budget it was continuing resolutions that had an increase in the % spent in all budget areas. Thus using the first budget he had with the stimulus and the last part of the TARP was continued in the money to be used for the budget. The Democrats divided it up the way they wanted to in the first one so we had years of $1 trillion plus deficits. It has been tapered down now but still makes the Bush budgets done by Republicans look like a miser. Why do Democrats who ranted and raved about the Bush deficits go silent on the Obama deficits?????
5. 2009 troop surge in Afghanistan. Too little too late. Pathetic surge. Why does he ignore the people who know what they are doing. Why does he go with political hacks instead of people who know what they are doing. The Ebola Czar is a perfect example.
4. Never heard of this. What I leep on hearing is the devastation he keeps on causing with his green EPA actions. Coal is being killed. Counties of areas where the miners are the big majority of people living there they are mostly out of work and the newer regulations will kill all coal. Obama made a speech and is proud of this. He keeps on killing other jobs with the EPA.
3. Best practices for disabled veterans along side of the vets dying for lack of treatment.
2. Saved Chrysler but gutted GM. Obama killed Pontiac and Saturn then tried to kill Hummer. He violated the law and killed all of the preferred stocks that are first in line for money on a bankruptcy thus killing many peoples 401K that had investment in these stocks. Such a great President. Laws and the constitution mean nothing to him and his administration. The money given to them was paid back and then loaned back to them thus allowing the administration to say that GM paid the government back.
Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act???? Most of the issues in the act were already being done locally. Much ado about nothing.