Vegas Giants' Faggoty Sok
11 posts
You can't underestimate numbers decline. Jews in Iran number over 100k when Israel was created. They're now down below 10k.
Jews who get a passport and travel and put under heavy surveillance.
Cooperation with America or Zionists by Iranian Jews is a capital offense.
Jews in Iran also have a status of "dhimmi." That means there are restrictions on religious minorities.
The Iranian government controls the media. TV shows and new are full of anti-Jewish propaganda.
Iran severed ties with Israel after the Shah, and has since supported terrorism at various levels. Habib Elghanian was a prominent Jewish businessman who was executed at that time. The Iran gov wanted to make an example of someone--anyone. they needed to keeps Jews in line.
I could go on and on with the stuff. Don't think Iran is some "moderate" entity. They are slick and smart and know how to manipulate.