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24 Sep 2021 11:12 am
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
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Independent » 24 Sep 2021, 7:13 am » wrote:
Vegasgiants » 23 Sep 2021, 7:29 pm » wrote: Of course they work.

Do seatbelts work?
so if you wear your seat belt but your passenger doesn’t, are you more likely to get injured than if the passenger wore theirs too?

I want to understand your analogy.
Yes. If you are wearing your seat belt and your passenger is not, you are more apt to get injured than if your passenger had been wearing their seat belt.

For instance, you are driving along wearing your seat belt with an idiot, let's call him CP, and CP refuses to wear his seat belt. He also refuses to make his male lovers wear a condom, but that's another topic.

So there you are, chugging along in your Pinto, CP singing off-key to the radio wearing his "I Love to be Barebacked!" t-shirt, when the dump truck behind you runs into your rear end. Normally those last 5 words would be music to CP's ears. This time, not so much.

As your Pinto does barrel rolls down the highway, side over side, you take a beating from CP's flailing legs and arms to your torso and head. After getting your nose broken and smashed into your face by the back of CP's head as he ping-pongs all over the inside of the car, you wonder why the damn Pinto could not have just blown up like any self respecting Pinto would have done when getting rear ended. 

After getting your orbital socket crushed by CP's elbow, in a moment of clarity while taking CP's knee to your throat, you think, "But Independent said CP not wearing a seat belt couldn't hurt me..."

That's when you realize, "Independent is a **** moron!" and thus ends another episode of "Independent Cant Think His Way Out of a Wet Paper Sack". Tune in next week for the exciting episode of "Independent Can't Tie His Shoes On 'Running with Scissors Day'", in stereo, where available...


1 Nomination

Vegas giants Sep 23, 2021

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