Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
359 posts
Lee added that hoping ivermectin works based on "in vitro efficacy studies" is "magical thinking."
In the literature, Lee said, "you will hear about [terms like] 'IC50' or 'EC50' – that is, what is the concentration of drug that will inhibit 50% of the virus replication." Lee explained that the level of drug concentration needed to stop replication in the body "simply cannot be achieved."
"The concentration of drug required to inhibit 90% of virus replication in the body – a minimal standard when it comes to antiviral drug action – simply cannot be achieved based on the known pharmacology of the drug," Lee added in a follow-up interview.
This is all to say that the evidence does not look good for ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment. ... -analyzed/
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