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17 Nov 2021 12:02 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
359 posts
Isabel » 17 Nov 2021, 12:56 pm » wrote: Every single one of you racist clowns did the exact same thing.
I referred to them as "Trumpies" and you idiots all went into a chorus of triumphant shrieking that I WAS WRONG!!!!!!
Did you actually KNOW if they were Trumpies?  No, but I MUST be wrong!

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 You made an assumption based on race.
Your pathetic attempts to squirm away from your racism aren't going to work.
You idiots can shriek and chant and repeat your crap until the end of time.
You can't erase WHAT YOU SAID.

"Ha ha, you're WRONG!  How do we know?  Because they're BLACK!  So that means you were LYING!  Because they CAN'T be Trump supporters!  Because they're BLACK!  But I don't actually KNOW if they are!  But they are BLACK!  So that means you are LYING!  Because they're BLACK!  
But I'm NOT racist!"
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Funny. Many weeks ago one of the righties taunted me in a PM with, "Aren't you going to come to Isabel's rescue", or some such nonsense. I told him that, "Isabel doesn't need any help. You and your friends might need an explanation of how badly she just **** you. Isabel, on the other hand, should be giving classes on it."

He stopped talking to me.

Carry on with the slaughter.

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