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23 Nov 2021 3:08 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
359 posts
And just like that, the definition of "dox" shows up and it's not the nonsense lies Str8t's pushing.
GeorgeWashington » 16 Jun 2020, 9:20 am » wrote: He was banned for posting Isabel's private messages.  He doxed Isabel, in textbook fashion, and she is a member here. 
  1. search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet, typically with malicious intent.
If you are so butthurt that Str8's sadistic infatuation with Isabel has been quashed, then unban Isabel, and let her decide if she wants to continue to be doxed, browbeat, and otherwise attacked.  

But, I seriously doubt you give 2 **** about Str8.  You're in it for you.  You want him unbanned so he can keep spreading his vile, leaving a wake of defecation. We put up with his wretched behavior for far too long.  He's your problem, not ours.

Now, go give him the modship that he has earned at your behest, and don't use the early termination of his mission, due to our banning, as an excuse to withhold what he has rightfully earned.  He's done your dirty work as best he could.
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