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Yesterday 5:25 pm
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Buffalo » Today, 3:26 pm » wrote: Here is a little ditty my doctor brother told me about the health care industry as a whole. 
We all know that since 1975 health care costs have skyrocketed.  My bother says that the number of doctors and healthcare providers has remained virtually the same while the number of people in administration has risen exponentially. 

He is right!!!
 THAT is where the money is going!!!  Not to providers.
That was all ACA was about Designed by Hillary in the 90's during her tenure as first lady, legislated in her 2 years as New York senator, and implemented in Obama's first term while she was SOS.

Want to trace corruption, follow the history of those leading it. All this **** was added since American disabilities act was added to SSI. since 1913.
Updated 4 minutes ago
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