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31st Arrival
20 Jan 2025 6:26 am
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Buck Naked » 19 Jan 2025, 8:41 pm » wrote: it has not been kicked anywhere 
The thing about society's mind vs ancestor's brain is, society's mind only happens in the exchange of syllables in social situations of more than one person, each family unit(generation gap of parent child relativity, ancestral lineage of 3 to 5 generation gaps, every other ancestral lineage occupying space), personal brain happens when nucleus of the body's fertilized cell becomes the central nervous organ cradle to grave working the body navigating inhabiting space birth to dead alone living eternally separated this rotation each next rotation still alive until not anymore.

Balancing vs Karma. Trying to seek an advantage over the universe perpetually balancing outcomes left so far leaves what doesn't stay in balance creating chaos to what is in balance everywhere but that which isn't as individually part of the whole time now is eternity sustaining the balancing of what is universally here in series parallel stages of developing did, doing, continuing to change, what doesn't change anymore.

Inclusive vs exclusive. binary code of zero or one. My time alive is the baseline of my staying within the thresholds of fitting in never staying the same results twice adapting to 6 degrees of separation expand perpendicularly while balancing between everything else outside my time share of occupying space individually here comes back in 8 hemispheres of contracting results to the combinations of gaseous, liquid, mineral content being inorganic and ancestral organisms like myself in series parallel positions same way I arrived.

Whys answers to how hypothetical possibilities practiced every generation gap being true to formed social narrative daily corrupted every great great grandchild added and lived up to evolving into 1 of 16 dead great great grandparents specific to each great great grandchild born daily last 7,000 years in this species being the only part of the food chain believing they aren't self evident positions here now.

why, character matters and genders are just 3rd world savages to first world leaders and 2nd class citizens loyal to the royal we say so mentalities because that is how economics governs people day in nd day out 7 days a week 52 weeks a "revolution against series parallel time living in plain sight today.".

Space has two dimensions in kinetic perpetual balancing of incoming results and fading away details by erosion and decomposing results inverting what is evolving here so far between universal displacement and ancestral positions alive today.

Simple series parallel evolving as specifically done now.

Cycle of living vs interpreted circle of life. I kicked your reality to hell and back each post I do with everyone else ignoring the reason they exist at all living eternally separated now. Original sin performed each generation gap here today. academia, arts, economics, politics, religions, social identity matters most.

Pride before the downfall of people wishing they weren't all they been since conceived. Serenity knowing what one can and cannot do while adapting forward as eternally separated now.
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