What do these words define?
Earth, wind, water, fire and what is called the 5th element?
heart, mind, body, soul, position in one's ancestral lineage daily?
longitude, latitude, platitude, attitude, rank in social consensus tomorrow?
Biologically linked 16 personal great great grandparents, 8 personal great grandparents, 4 personal grandparents, 2 parents, each great great grandchild born each rotation of the planet so far.
Accountability for time living with a beating heart native to this atmosphere now. Understanding the evolving process in plain sight from personally experience doesn't require me to see everything existing at the same time my own body is positioned in series parallel proportion as anything else evolving same way separately displaced same way I arrived.
SSDD self evident way living happens regardless which people won't accept it and those removed for not complying with people never accepting life in plain sight.
Morality, legality, ethics, economics, social consensus all practice never discussing the actual way life operates daily.
I won't respond with a **** you, I rather describe how you **** yourself daily so far.
If you used your brain since conceived you would recognize I debunked humanity just by debunking your character.
that is the chromosome level of my gibberish and the biological source of my wicked sense of humor acquired over 70 years of being ridiculed 24/7 by people never accepting how evolving works daily including my own ancestry treated me same way because they were programmed to react to contextual stimulation of their character in society serving humanity's promises of better tomorrows dawn to dusk governed by context midnight to noon, yesterday noon to midnight now..