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ROG62 » 36 minutes ago » wrote: In 2000 the late Dr. S. N. Mikhalev of the History department of Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University[33] published a critical analysis of the official Russian wartime casualty statistics, From 1989 to 1996 Mikhalev was an associate of the Institute of Military History of the Ministry of Defence. Mikalev estimated actual Soviet military war dead at more than 10.9 million persons. He maintained that the official figures cannot be reconciled to the total men drafted and that POW deaths were understated. Mikhalev believed that the official figure of 26.6 million war dead should not be regarded as definitive. In 1995 the Russian Academy of Science published his analysis of the demographic balance of the USSR in the war that indicated total losses ranging from 21.240 million to 25.854 million, with the mid range being 23.568 million total war dead. Mikhalev pointed out that the figures for total war deaths are based on a range of possible estimates for the pre-war population in 1939 and the population of the annexed territories that are by no means certain.[34]
I discuss evolving by each ancestor ever conceived and your rebuttal is a study of human behavior cradle to grave during measured time frame 7 days a week. what is missing from your end?
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