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Today 7:45 am
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murdock » 8 minutes ago » wrote: Why did you kill them? Were they discussing time alive from the beginning to the aardvark of chemistry born of manifested time beginning not only bent and painted daily?
I didn't, their dedication to humanity did. Nothing more demoralizing than having all you believed for decades wasn't how evolving actually worked every day.

What choices does a person have? Go along to get along or face 24/7 ridicule, shunning, exile, eliminated for not staying true to social consensus daily.

Ever body lives eternally separated while adapting to the moment here. You mind ideas life isn't self evidently being alive as eternally spearated now.
where does physicla eternal hell reside?

In the hearts, minds, bodies, and souls wishing now isn't eternity every generation gap forward today.
Updated 4 minutes ago
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