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31st Arrival
12 Feb 2025 3:38 pm
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27,130 posts
Cannonpointer » 30 minutes ago » wrote: I don't care what name that gulf is called, or by whom. Freedom fries vs French fries - I don't go in for effeminate distractions. 

What matters to me is whether we get our republic back, or are stuck with a more efficient but no wiser empire. The latter will not work out well for soccer moms, children, and puppies. 
Then quit demanding humans have rights to ignore their natural time alive.

Character doesn't count since that is how people perform minding ideas life isn't self evident time adapting equally alive daily.

I have explained the mathematics to 7 days a week when evolving doesn't exceed adapting as displaced per heartbeat added so far.
Social identity politics and concepts of eternal souls of intellect flow through linear space beyond time adapting here one of a kind.

Liberty to be free from organized reasonable doubt isn't freedom at all since every lifetime has to be responsible for staying balanced with eternally spearated now.

Every reality built an artificial chain of command system except the original Constitution of this country lasted 16 months. without the first 10 bill of rights ending the free will of the Declaration of indenpendence from old world tradtions of governing people by hypothetical values daily.

What I talk about isn't related to open society or any other means of keeping ancestors trapped in their ancestral hyperble daily. Dictatos govern by generation gap and democracies operate previous 4 generations direct their 5th generation arrivals to follow social consensus held throguhout history so far.
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