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Today 10:02 am
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Mrkelly » 19 minutes ago » wrote: series and parallel are two different things 
So is spontaneously present one of a kind simultaneously living same time everything else outside your flesh is adapting to the same universal location so far.

Series parallel is combined current flows of energy balancing what is sustaining current events forward so far now.

Light waves and electrical currents how many exist in each individually separate and still work simultaneously balancing outcomes for each new incoming details universally positioned now as part of the whole evolving process changing results never same details again.

I put the actual time back together again divided by countless theories and theologies practiced throughout history of humanity corrupting every great great grandchild each generation gap living today with one method.

Welcome to natural eternity your mental state of mind never accepted since day of birth by you, your siblings, your cousins, your parents, your aunts, uncles, grandparents their relatives, your great grandparents and their generation gap relatives, etc.
Updated 4 minutes ago
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