peepee » 01 Feb 2021, 12:45 pm » wrote: ↑
...the very first thing 'we' must do is become knowledgeable on the subject....VERY VERY VERY few people have any honest understanding about 'the money system' [esp. with respect to the creation and issuance of money, the nature of money, etc.]
...very few people understand that the 'value' of money is derived through law... and that we should all be equal under the law...........but we are aren't... and tho$e favored through 'monetary law/rules' are LARGELY your ruler$/owner$...not the clueless republicrat puppet politicians, the media propagandists, etc., about whom republicrat cheerleaders/apologists, etc. dullards, frequently work their holes... word...
those pretenting to understand the "value" of money never care about the consequences of their actions misusing the persuasion of power developed buying time and selling contextual souls.
again that come hell or high water attitude you have, eternity is staring back through the eyes of a biological sole being eternally separated in biological order so far.