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5 Nov 2014 12:44 am
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Author of Cannonpointer Approved Posts
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Cannonpointer » 18 Oct 2014 10:18 pm » wrote:This should be a bit confronting to a FEW. I wish it would confront leftists, but that would be too much to ask. "My mother drunk or sober" should be the bumper sticker on the car of every liberal that still defends Obama (this does NOT include defending him against attacks from retarded hacks, badly launched for partisan reasons and defensible only on the planet repubelia - IOW, attacks from **** mouths like Glory Hole Clem and partisan cut-paste lowbrows like the goof.

That this thread will not confront the freak who inspired it is forgiven. Holding a grudge against a retarded man is unChristian - and y'all know me, :wub:

You really are a **** idiot, clemtard.

Top Ten things Obama has done which conservatives support when a Republican does them

10. The "Making Work Pay" Tax Credit for the middle class; The temporary reduction of social security withholding which cut the taxes of every W2 worker in America; Extended aspects of the Bush tax cuts such as child credit expansions and changes to marriage bonuses and penalties. Also extended the cuts for couples earning under 250k (200k for singles).

9. Signed off on Bush's 2008 memorandum regarding aid to Israel and has kept to it assiduously, giving more aid to Israel per year than any other president. In military aid alone, Israel received 2.55 billion in 2008, and a $150,000,000 raise each subsequent year. Additionally, the US is funding in part the rebuilding of the Gaza Strip - all of which will benefit Israeli companies and the Israeli economy,

8. Increased the size of the Army (+65,000) and the Marines (+27,000) while keeping his promise to "build up our nation's Special Operations Forces, Civilian Affairs, Information Operations, Engineers, Foreign Area Officers and other units and capabilities that remain in chronic short supply."

7. Kept his promise tto "Establish regularity in deployments: so that active duty and reserves know what they must expect, rather than the current trend of changing the deployment schedules after they have left home, which harms the morale of troops and their families." Also ended the stop loss programs of the Bush era which forced troops to stay in service beyond their actual commitments, restoring the Deployment Policies under which the affected service people enlisted - literally ending the broken promises of his predecessor.

6. He made and kept a promise to "End the abuse of the supplemental budgets, where much of the money has been lost, by creating system of oversight for war funds as stringent as in the regular budget."

5.Afghanistan troop surge in 2009.

4. Addressed the chronic, decades-long mismanagement of federal forest lands by keeping his promise to prioritize the removal of brush, small trees and other overgrown vegetation that fuel wild fires - even delivered cleared bio-mass to local communities which had the capacity to use it for fuel. Conservatives raised hell about this chronic issue in the Bush years but were ignored. Obama defied enviro-weenies and directed his BLM to significantly increase controlled burns. Also joined the NRA-ILA in supporting the Open Fields Incentives Legislation, designed to open 10 million new acres to hunters and sportsmen, and written so that participating states control the programs to suit their individual needs - a "one size fits one," policy which keeps the feds in a hands off posture.
3. Created and disseminated an official "Best Practices" list for accommodating disabled persons in the work place - a boom to employers in minding their liabilities in an area that has created uncertainty and needless expense under previous presidents.

2. Saved Chrystler, and got the money back. That was genius when Reagan did it - treason under Obama. Weird, huh?

1. Championed and signed the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act - a pragmatic, proto-conservative response to the national security threat of chronic childhood obesity and the national disgrace of corporations marketing poisons to children in state institutions which they are required required by law to attend.

Okay - that will do. Honest readers will note the following:

1. I did not pad the list with anecdotal crap. I did not put the two different tax cuts Obama authored or the one he renewed under three different numbers - nor did I put his various improvements over bush in forest management, along with his support of access for hunters, into separate categories. I LOADED DOWN most of the numbers on that list. I had to EDIT quite a few things and COMBINE quite a few more and still left the list far from complete.

2. Except for the last one, on which board pretendo-cons have been EXTREMELY progressive and anti-conservative, I did not list things that any broad swath of conservatives would not ordinarily applaud, if done by a republican. I argue that my number one thing Obie did which y'all WOULD applaud if a republican did them BELONGS on this list. Your experience may vary.

3. Any of the things on my list which you find to be unfair - which you feel conservatives do NOT support, - just strike those items and insert killing bin Laden, gunning the Somali pirates, or killing anwar al awlakii. Obie has more confirmed kills than any currently living Nobel Peace Prize winner - something cons would admire and defend and tout in a republican - but complain about in Obama.

4. Thanks for the idea, clem - you **** dolt - you **** door knob - you sister ****. :LOL:

As a conservative I can hardly consider forcing Social Security to add to the deficit something I would support, and I know from first hand experience that the changes to Stop Lost were well underway long before Obama even took office. When I enlisted it was made perfectly clear a hundred times over that I was enlisting for 8 years, should the situation dictate it, and that my "active" and "reserve" duties were at the discretion of the Federal government.

Although with that being said, I do feel like you left out a few very important accomplishments that Obama actually stepped up to the plate to.

My biggest praises for Obama involve his push for a massive expansion of Federal subsidies to alternative energy and energy efficiency, which encourages the individual to benefit his neighbor by lowering the energy costs of everyone in his community. Not to mention the increase in Federal fuel efficiency standards, which once against benefits everyone.

Then there's the completely overlooked fact that President Obama, whether by goof of an appointee or by intention, is the only President to call out China for their currency manipulation.
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