Huey » 20 May 2014 1:31 pm » wrote:
I support the rights of people who comprise unions, associations, and corporations to freely associate and practice their first amendment rights. So does the USSC as I posted earlier. If you do not support these constitutionally protected rights just say so. Bozo? I think you, ma'am, are acting like the bozo because what you wrote does not reflect anything I said.
It appears Ozzie supports the force payment of union dues, from what she calls the little people, that is used for political campaigns whether the person forced to pay the dues agrees or not. Which is the bigger crime? At least corporations are not forcing employees to pay for the electonic commicutions like unions do.
Again, for the ignorant like ozzie, it is illegal for corporations, unions, and non profit corporations to donate to candidates or political parties. My comments are related to Citizens United which discussed basically commercials.
Remember Ozzie, the UAW or GE does not have first amendment rights. But the people who comprise and run those entities do. Why do you wish to suppress their rights?
Oz addressed the true point and you didn't, that's why. What she said was straight on: I'm sure her example happens rather often--the employees of a company feel one way and management the other -- but management controls the money. So it isn't really everyone in the corporation "expressing their first amendment rights." It's just a few, and in a lot of cases I'm sure, AGAINST the will of the many in the corporation. That's why Citizens United is a load of bull.
And even if it was everyone in the corporation in agreement about where the money should go,
it's not their personal money,
but money customers paid them. Anybody asking those customers which commercials they'd like to have run? Of course not.
We live in such a low-information nation that a huge number of citizens don't know which party stands for what. The parties, of course, know this well and it enables them to fool voters into voting against their own interests.
If you think all of this is okay, how can you call yourself a responsible citizen? If elections and governing and all the rest is just the result of a relatively few really smart people rigging the game, which is exactly what's happening, then all that stuff we learned in school about the patriots and what they stood for and died for is just so much eyewash, because we've managed to go around their ideals and hopes for this country. We've put the government up for sale to the guys with the most money.