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4 Oct 2013 5:20 pm
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24,706 posts
And you don't think that gerrymandering has anything at all to do with that?In the last House election Democrats got 54,301,095 votes while Republicans got 53,822,442.What saved the Republican majority wasn't the will of the people but the power of redistricting.First, there are too many factors. District size for one. Hell, a democrat in Brooklyn can and will get a hell of a lot more votes than a republican in VA. And could still lose. So no, that proves nothing. Hell, that isn't even 500,000 votes nation wide.God, you guys throw out that line that elections have consequences. Well yes, they do. Apparently you only believe that when you win.I had no intention of making it sound that way, I simply pointed out that the constitution gives specific powers to each body. Do you know why? The house got the power of the purse because they are the most direct link to the people. The senate is/was supposed to represent the states interests that they were appointed and then later, elected from. That is why they get things like advise and consent.Yes the house republicans speak for the districts that elected them. There just happens to be more of them this time around. The system is working exactly as advertised.
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