Misty » 30 Dec 2013 4:41 pm » wrote:
Will you get over that uptight crap about sex already?
Sex is a normal and natural part of life and contraception should be considered a routine part of women's health care.
Oh, shut the fück up with the reframing prog. I have no hang ups with sex. This is not about sex, moron. This is about people paying for the elective choices of others.
This is what these disengnous prog bastards do. They reframe an issue. I have no hang ups about sex. I can care less about who, what, where or when anyone fücks misty. That is each persons choice and I or the federal government should have no say in it. Got that? Understand it ?
Now that diversion is killed let's get to the heart of the matter. Like misty, my wife can no longer have children. I can't impregnate anyone. So we do not need those services. So we never chose those services so we did not pay for them. Now, because of the ACA I do have to carry them.
That is the issue, honey. Not hang ups about sex. You want to fück, that is an elective activity. You pay for it.