Congress has failed to pass any appropriations bills for fiscal year 2014.They offered a continuing resolution that contained a poison pill which they knew was a non-starter.You don't change a law by holding the government hostage.You change a law by winning elections and taking control of the legislature and the White House.Republicans haven't been able to do that, so they will hold their breath until they get their way, like petulant little children.What if the Senate sent a CR to the House that contained gun legislation?Would that be okay with you?You'd probably have a hissy fit. 1. Republicans won elections in 2010 and 2012. 2. They won control of the house in 2010 and maintained that control in 2012. 3. The constitution gives the President control of the military and control of the executive branch. The senate has the power to advise and consent on executive appointments, represent the interest of their states, etc. And the house has the power of the purse. All spending and revenue generating bills are supposed to start in the house. It is called seperation of powers and was done deliberately. 4. There are two types of bills. An authorization bill which gives the authority for a program or department. The other is an appropriations bill which funds a department or program. Two separate bills with two separate votes. Just because a bill was authorized does not mean, in theory, it will be funded. Keep in mind things like immigration with Reagan and bush. Sure, many things were AUTHORIZED, but they were not funded. 5. So your spiel about winning is inaccurate. They have own elections. And those elections have consequences. As a matter of fact the 2010 election were historic. A complete overturn in the house. 680 or so state legislative seats. 30 or so governor seats. A complete turn around in the amount of state legislatures controlled by repubs and in states where they control all 3. 6. Those elections are direct democratic votes where majority wins. The presidential election is not. So it seems the conservatives can win elections.