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20 Jul 2020 4:47 pm
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847 posts
This is just my personal opinion from arguing points with conservatives, especially the Evangelical Right movement.

I will argue as to whether there is a need for Social programs, such as health care, early childhood, education programs, etc; and the response from the conservatives is that the qualifier should be whether minorities, and the poor, are DESERVING of help. The Prosperity Gospel has created a premise that God uses poverty as punishment and character building for the poor. And that social programs interfere with God's Will. If God loved the poor then he he/she would have made them rich. These beliefs are fairly standard for most of the modern conservatives

I really can't argue with people who believe that poverty and want are a deserved punishment. I can argue that the child of a felon needs food, education, child care, dental and health care. All these programs would prevent the child from repeating previous generation's mistakes.

But the only response I get from conservatives is that this family doesn't DESERVE help.

There really isn't any meeting of the minds between these two philosophies.
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