Misty » 16 Feb 2016 4:20 pm » wrote:
GB is either too stupid to understand this, or he's being dishonest and shilling for Trump.
I'll let him decide which one of those it is.
Trump did not say that 42% of the country does not work.
He said that the 4.9% unemployment rate issued by the BLS is false, and that the rate could be as high as 42%, meaning that 42% of the people in this country are out of work and actively seeking a job.
That 42% would not count stay at home parents or retired people, but only people who want to work but don't have a job.
I'm quite sure that if that number was 42% the ramifications of that would be quite visible to all of us.
Not surprised that GB supports a filthy liar like Trump.
No not surprised. It's been explained to him and he isn't backing down on the support for the lie either. I don't think he's too stupid, but then again he did think slaves voted and thought Kasich said he was a democrat.
It's always a game of stupid vs dishonnest or both with him.