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21 Nov 2013 1:47 am
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98% Macho Man
98% Macho Man
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bludog » wrote: LF.org is not reliable. I like this site over PM place because I like to post mostly in the Liberals Only room. But before now, I was the only one starting all the threads in this room. I wish others would start some threads here. I would like it if regular posters in LF.org Libs Only Rm like lostphoenix, Old Barn, KBvoice etc. would come over here but I'm clueless if they even know about this site.

I read NHB a lot, mainly without responding but a few of the best posters from .org are posting exclusively at PM place now. It's kind of a diaspora at the moment.

As to quotes:--- It would be nice if you could break them up and answer point by point. That being said, it's a small complaint and you can improvise easily enough.
It's easy to break up posts, bro. Watch:
bludog » wrote: LF.org is not reliable.
bludog » wrote:I like this site over PM place
bludog » wrote:because I like to post mostly in the Liberals Only room.
bludog » wrote:But before now, I was the only one starting all the threads in this room.
Just copy the heading, put it in front of the text that you want in the block you're responding to, then end with a quote box.

As to the rest:

Get those people over here, man. Believe me, when the people at dot org learn about this place, they'll be here with bells on. This could be a lot more jumping L.O. room than they have, because a lot of folks who WOULD post in the L.O. over there, are too sickened by the slimy outings to even visit the forum at all. We won;t have that problem here, because that amoral swine Rutstein won't be running things here.

I can tell you this: We forumites WILL GET the room we deserve. I am willing to put it all onthe line, to get axed from over there, if I see a GLIMMER of hope for a better NHB. And I do. I see more than a glimmer.

Fight for the forum you want. Stand for it. Call others to post here.

We don't have a big enough community for TWO jumping forums. And this one WILL NOT WIN if we do not stand for it. I have taken my stand. I hope that you and many others will join me.
"Because I SAY I am" is fallacy, not science

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Who cuts off your dick is not your friend

An opinion you won't defend is not yours. It's someone else's.

Humanity's Law of the Jungle: Survival NOT of the fittest, but of the tribe.

When peeing in the pool, stand on the edge.

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If gender is not sex, why should a gender claim change what sex you shower with?
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