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jerra b
Yesterday 9:47 pm
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AyeCantSeeYou » 01 Sep 2024, 11:19 am » wrote: It was the opportunity of economic success that was behind Trumps Abraham Accords generating an unprecedented peace between Arabs and Israel before Biden funded Iran, dismantled the whole thing and sent the region and our country into chaos and war. The hope for success. ... mily-says/

The Israeli military announced Saturday that it had recovered the bodies of six hostages, including that of an Israeli-American, who it says were killed by Hamas militants in Gaza. The news prompted protests within Israel and renewed calls for a ceasefire in the ongoing conflict.
trump was a good friend to israel.

Flashback: Then-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in November 2019 announced the U.S. would no longer view Israeli settlements in the West Bank, Golan Heights and East Jerusalem as "inconsistent with international law."
  • While largely symbolic for the Trump administration, it was a major shift in U.S. policy because it overturned a legal position held by the U.S. State Department since 1978, when the Carter administration determined that the settlements were a violation of international law. Much of the international community holds the view that the settlements are illegal.
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