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maineman » 20 minutes ago » wrote: I would only applaud your death by firing squad after your conviction for treason by a jury of your peers.   Image   Image  

And again... firing squad is legal in several states.  It certainly is not forbidden by the 8th.
You DIDN'T simply state that you wanted to see me executed by a firing squad, you said you wanted to see me "riddled with bullets until you are a pile of steaming hamburger".
And that, you ignorant buffoon, is in direct opposition to the 8th Amendment which FORBIDS cruel and unusual punishment.

Anyone who approves of your disgusting rant doesn't deserve to live here under our Constitution, much like you.
It's beyond reprehensible for someone to make the statement below and I'm ashamed that we have such savage reprobates living here among decent people.

Your kind of scum belongs festering in a fetid swamp somewhere where you'd feel right at home!
maineman » 13 Sep 2024, 4:54 pm » wrote: 
13 Sep 2024, 4:54 pm
You are a sick, xenophobic, racist thug. You should be lined up against the base of the Statue of Liberty and riddled with bullets until you are a pile of steaming hamburger.  Image
Updated 4 minutes ago
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