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Yesterday 10:04 am
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Cannonpointer » 22 minutes ago » wrote: That is the same post I responded to, you stupid old queer. 

The last post before that was the one where you screeched about the need to murder Semites, anti-semite. 

How DO you remember to breathe, you effeminate old fruitcake?
OK, crackhead, have it your way!

Here's my "last post before that", and again I've said NOTHING about murdering anyone.  It simply mocked you for your inability to find evidence of your vast lack of knowledge.
 Yesterday, 4:06 pm
You mean you were too incompetent to find that story yourself?
And you'd rather have me post it, making you look even dumber than you are?
Ok, if that's what you prefer, nitwit, here you go!:
So please.  If you're determined to respond here when your completely stoned, give us all a break and have the nearest 5 year old help you to construct a reply that doesn't make you look like a raving lunatic.
I'm only looking out for what's best for you as you get the addiction help you so badly need.
Updated 3 minutes ago
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