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Today 1:26 pm
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Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
9,164 posts
Zeets2 » Today, 12:07 pm » wrote: So tell me, ****.
How is it that a scumbag like you differs from the way the Hamas terrorists chose to murder those innocent Israeli civilians?
Are there others like me that you detest enough to want to see them raped and tortured to death?  Have YOU ever had the desire to set fire to an infant and burn him to death while forcing the parents to watch before turning THEM into hamburger as well?

Or are we to believe that your animus towards me is the ONLY hatred of a person you want to see murdered for voicing an opinion that you can't handle or refute?
Key word:  innocent.  In my scenario, you would have been found guilty first. :rofl:  
Updated 1 minute ago
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