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Today 3:34 pm
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jerrab » 5 minutes ago » wrote: you worship the law. the law  allowed the murder of the jews,  hence you are responsible for every horrendous act committed in the name of the law, and that includes the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Oh, I see!  So now I'm not only responsible for the holocaust 80 years ago, but I'm ALSO responsible for killing Christ over two THOUSAND years ago, huh?

Man, am I vicious or what!   :clap:   :die:   :rofl:  
Maybe you should just call a cop and have me arrested for such heinous crimes you've envisioned inside your otherwise empty head?  You can tell THEM about how you have all the proof necessary to convict me of a crime!   :LOL:   :die:  
Updated 2 minutes ago
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