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Yesterday 5:07 pm
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*Vegas » 33 minutes ago » wrote: Also, given your conversation about doxing, you may want to align yourself with another liberal retard instead of BV. He was banned on another forum for doxing. He stalks me incessantly. He will literally spend hours in my profile reading things from years ago. Look at the date of this OP. He has a file of Huey and I  saved on his computer.  

He is why I have an asterisk in front of my name. He tags me all day. Anyway, if you aren't bothered by him doxing, yet you are all out of sorts that Z09 did it to you, then you can go **** right off with your hypocrisy.
If he did the doxing on another forum and and was banned, so it be. 
Z09 doxed here, banned, now BooRadley. 
No one doxed me. 

Updated 1 minute ago
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