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Deezer Shoove
Yesterday 5:30 pm
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Sumela » Today, 10:24 am » wrote: This video represents what one would find in any large WEST **** city.

Disease, crumbling/decay, addicts, needles, human trash,
trannies, ***, tent cities, filth, ***, wetbacks.

Late Stage Capitalism is GLORIOUS!  In the are a useless eater to the Oligarchs.  Cattle.

Meanwhile....this does not exist in China or Russia.  Poor people?  Those are in all countries.
The extreme filth and utter decay of WEST cities to this extreme...does not exist.

Started to watch a little bit... Ended up watching the entire thing.

Pharmaceuticals. Ya gotta love 'em.
Please seat yourself.


I like the very things you hate.
Updated 1 minute ago
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