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jerra b
Yesterday 5:49 pm
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Zeets2 » Today, 3:09 pm » wrote: So, let me try to understand your stupidity.
You want to know if Christ would believe I would be born a dozen years after the holocaust hating Him and that somehow He would blame ME for it?

Something tells me you get along GREAT with those Nazi anti-Semites who committed the holocaust!  I bet you would have been an officer in the Gestapo once they saw how much you hated Jews!

Besides that, I've gotta believe you've committed blasphemy for thinking that Christ is as stupid as you are! 
So I guess I'll see you in hell, you brainless cretin!  And there I'll have the opportunity to tell you to your face what an ignorant asshole you were when you were alive!   Image
nazi israel------

GENEVA (12 July 2023) – The forced eviction and displacement of the Ghaith-Sub Laban family and many other Palestinian families in east Jerusalem may amount to a war crime of forcible transfer and must be immediately reversed, UN experts* said today
Updated 4 minutes ago
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