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Deezer Shoove
Yesterday 10:03 pm
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Cannonpointer » Today, 7:54 pm » wrote: Oh, brother - are there ever. 

I know a guy who was a very highly placed medical professional. He attended Bill Clinton at Walter Reed. He was all gung ho for the clot shot, because he had known for years about mRNA technology and had been expecting great things. He had health issues that made him fearful of covid, and he considered vax-skeptics like myself to be hayseeds who just didn't "get it." 

I had long conversations about it with him - he trying to convince me, me trying to convince him. I asked him why he, as an educated man, would advise a fellow with a strong immune system who had never once had symptomatic flu as an adult, to risk an EXPERIMENT - a veritable hail mary type of gambit against a relatively harmless disease that affected almost exclusively those with multiple co-morbidities? He was just enamored of the great new thing, it seemed. He really couldn't answer, but he never swayed. 

Fast forward. His doctor told him that in his 30-plus years of practice he had NEVER seen blood clots like those with which he presented. He has been hospitalized three times in the wake of his foolish enterprise. He developed rapid onset colon cancer. He is now a prepper and a stone skeptic. Happily, he has rebounded. We haven't discussed his treatment, so I don't know what steps he has taken in remediation - though I did send him some info on how to chelate the clot shot.
I recently watched a vid on chelated minerals. One part of particular interest was how zinc can interfere with some meds with certain people. Iron can cause all sorts of digestive issues.
Chelation prevents early ionization so minerals can be absorbed with less underlying stress to the body. Even asymptomatic people are processing while under a certain amount of stress. Chelation allows substances to pass into the mucosal layer in the digestive tract without higher levels of free radicals. I know I'm telling you this stuff that you're already aware of. Just saying it to add legitimacy to the vid I just saw.

I could try to track it down again and put up the link if you want. I had never really heard of the mechanics of it before the way this guy broke it down.
Please seat yourself.


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