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Today 12:09 pm
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Zeets2 » 59 minutes ago » wrote: And armed guards wouldn't have had to do a thing if there were sufficient numbers to stop any rioters long before they reached the windows of the Capitol.

Isn't that the job of "GUARDS"?
When you have the proper number, THEIR PRESENCE ALONE STOPS ILLEGAL ACTIONS!
So why do you refuse to put the blame precisely where it belongs for Babbitts death, on asshole Democrats who WANTED a riot to ensue, as Pelosi and Bowser did?

still didn't read the link?

get back to me when you have... until then, STFU

Babbitt's death was ALL on her. All she had to do was obey a law enforcement officer with a gun pointed at her.  Suicide by cop, if you ask me.
Updated 2 minutes ago
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