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maineman » 22 minutes ago » wrote: Money coming into this country from tax plans?  From where, exactly?

Are you talking about his idiotic tariff idea?

and let me try again: ... 929215002/
What's so idiotic about requiring foreign trade partners to pay the same kind of tariffs that they charge us?

Restarting projects like the Keystone XL pipeline and finishing the construction of the border wall will add tens of thousands of good, high-paying jobs, in addition to opening up federal lands, offshore, and ANWR to drilling and fracking once again, which will both lower the cost of gas, enable us to be energy independent and a seller of energy once again, all while trucking costs are reduced to end the inflation spiral.

Of course, idiotic socialists like you won't believe it until it happens right before your eyes, and even then you'll stupidly try to give credit to Biden for it!
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