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DeezerShoove » Yesterday, 9:50 pm » wrote: Maybe. There are factors pushing the system to break it as well.
Lots of Saul Alinsky minions playing at being "radicals".
There used to be long-haired freaky people saying "burn it down so we can rebuild it".
Stuff like that makes me wonder if it's capitalism or ingrates.
So-called open border seems to attract all the wrong types of people.
Our corporations, especially as of late, are generally **** up.
The Information Age is really the Misinformation Age.
There's more little examples of course. I'm just rambling. Image
Hmmm, okay.

The long hair freaks grew up and became professors, CEOs, decision makers in DC.
They came to embrace American style imperialism/empire/colonialism as a way
to spread their diseases on the world.

They have essentially made a Faustian Pact with the Capitalist Militarist Imperialists...
""You be the muscle....we will be the culture police"""

Thats why West NGOs litter the world along with 900 military bases.
The size of the bases are irrelevant.  They still exist as power projection.

And now it has come home to roost.
The FBI showing up at folk's homes to question
social media posts...the 1/6 arrests...etc etc ---- THE MUSCLE.

Teaching trannyism to kids in school.. etc etc ---- THE CULTURE POLICE.

Updated 1 minute ago
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